Increasing demo booking for b2b saas companies

Most b2b enterprise saas put a 'request a demo' page and assume anyone who wants a demo, will submit their info.

And high intent traffic will but everyone else leaks out of the funnel. These companies put the onus on the prospect to take action, without a carrot to pull prospects through the funnel.

Ever wandered through a mall, passed by a person handing out food samples, and grabbed one? Next thing you know, you're sitting there enjoying a full meal you never planned on having. How many others do you think walked in to that mall with zero plans to hit that BBQ stand but ended up munching on lunch there?

That's the magic of a good sample and its what so many b2b saas companies are missing. And it's not just your request a demo page. It goes back your cold outreach if you have an outbound sales motion. It's folks who take another action, download an ebook, read a blog, watch a video, etc... and then receive the generic email to book a demo and never do.

Whats your sample? There is none, that's the problem. Theres no carrot.

Spark interest, create a carrot, let people experience a small slice of your product and give them a reason to book a demo.

If you want a few ideas on how to do this, reply to this email and I'll send them to you.